Pregnancy And Mental Health: What Mothers Need To Know

Pregnancy should be one of the happiest times in a woman's life. Sadly, many women experience some form of mental illness during pregnancy, including depression and anxiety. Mental illness is particularly prevalent in pregnant mothers who must stop taking certain medications to maintain the pregnancy. The following is some information about mental health during pregnancy and what you can do about it:

Does Your Mental Health Impact Your Baby?

When you consider mental health and pregnancy, you may first only think about the post-partum period. Many women experience postpartum depression after giving birth. This is usually attributed to the surge in hormones, the sudden shift in lifestyle, and the lack of sleep that comes with having a newborn baby. However, experts believe that a woman's mental health can also impact her baby while in uetero.

Stress is one contributing factor to a woman's mental health while pregnant. Stress is common in pregnancy. Stress can be caused by a number of factors, including constant worry about the baby's health, work-related stressors, and the like. It is believed that babies who are exposed to the mother's stress in the womb can also endure the same stress.

Pregnant mothers who have depression and anxiety prior to and during the pregnancy may also pass the stress along to the baby. When the mother is feeling anxious or depressed, her heart rate will increase, which can have an impact on the developing baby.

Can a Mother Take Medication for Their Mental Health During Pregnancy?

The type of medication a pregnant woman can take will vary. No current psychiatric medications can be taken according to current maternal medicine standards. They are not necessarily unsafe, but they have not been tested on pregnant women to determine if they are safe. A doctor can work one-on-one with a woman to determine if there are other medication types she can take while pregnant to adequately deal with her mental health issues.

How Can a Pregnant Woman Deal with Her Mental Health?

No matter when the onset of mental health issues began, a pregnant woman should always seek out help. There are several things she can do to mitigate her symptoms. Speaking to a therapist is one of the best routes. This is non-invasive and will have zero impact on the developing child. Gentle exercise, mediation, or yoga are also good options. Spending quality time with family and friends is also helpful.

The bottom line is a pregnant woman should be healthy and happy. If you are pregnant and feeling your mental health is taking a toll, be sure to speak to your doctor right away to determine the best course of treatment. For more information, contact a company like Family Center for Recovery.
